Complete Guide to Brown Maine Coon Cats: Care, Personality, and Health Tips

Brown Maine Coon Cats

Brown Maine Coon cats are very interesting and cute. They are mostly brown, a common color for this type of cat, and it’s easy to find them. These cats are relaxed and gentle, making them great pets for families. People often call them Brown Coonies, or just ‘Coonie’ for short.

Some people might think these big brown cats are a mix of raccoons and cats because of how they look. But this is not true and scientifically impossible. European settlers brought these cats to New England, where they bred naturally with local cats.

The brown color of Maine Coons comes from a pigment called eumelanin, made by a gene for browning. There are two types of this gene: one is ‘recessive’ and the other is ‘dominant.’ The recessive gene creates cinnamon and chocolate colors in Maine Coons, while the dominant gene leads to a black color.

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Recognizing a Brown Maine Coon:

It’s important to know how to identify a genuine Brown Maine Coon to ensure you’re not mistakenly given a different brown cat or another breed at the price of a Brown Maine Coon. These majestic cats have distinct features that set them apart.

One of the first things to notice is their color patterns. Brown Maine Coons can vary in shades, and some may have a unique black-brown pattern, where the base coat is brown with black banding. This can be confusing, as it differs from the solid brown color people often expect.

In terms of physique, these cats are muscular and have a robust build. They typically weigh between 12 to 18 pounds. Despite their size, they are not overweight, but rather solid and sturdy. Understanding these physical characteristics is key in recognizing a true Brown Maine Coon.

When considering purchasing one, it’s crucial to be familiar with these aspects to ensure you get an authentic Brown Maine Coon cat.


These brown Maine Coon cats are known for their large size and muscular, rectangular-shaped bodies. They have medium-width heads and prominent high cheekbones, adding to their striking appearance. Their coats are notably shaggy and thick, which enhances their stunning look.

Body Size Differences Between Male and Female:

The male Brown Maine Coon cats are generally larger, more muscular, heavier, and longer than their female counterparts. As adult cats, males can reach a remarkable length of up to 40 inches from head to tail.

Here’s a comparison of the typical physical measurements for male and female Brown Maine Coon cats:

  • Male Cat: 10 to 15 inches
  • Female Cat: 8 to 12 inches
  • Male Cat: 36 to 40 inches
  • Female Cat: 32 to 35 inches
  • Male Cat: 12 to 18 pounds
  • Female Cat: 6 to 12 pounds

These measurements give a clear understanding of the size differences between the sexes in this breed, with males being noticeably larger in all aspects.

Brown Maine Coon Eyes:

Why Their Eyes are Special:

The eyes of Brown Maine Coon cats are very beautiful and different from other cats. Their eyes are oval-shaped, and the pupils are vertical slits. These cats even won an award for their lovely eyes!

Eye Colors:

When these cats are kittens, they all have blue eyes, just like other Maine Coons (like the blue or white ones). But as they grow up, their eye colors can change to copper, golden, or green.

Common Eye Problems:

Like all cats, they can have eye issues. Sometimes, they get eye infections or have discharge (goo or liquid) from their eyes. This can happen from dust, especially when they go outside for a walk. To help prevent this, you can use special cat eye goggles to protect their eyes.

Serious Eye Problems:

Unfortunately, Brown Maine Coons can also have more serious eye problems, such as:

  • Weeping eyes: Eyes that leak tears all the time.
  • Hyperopia: This is farsightedness, where they can see far things better than close ones.
  • Myopia: The opposite of hyperopia, where they see close things better.
  • Conjunctivitis: An infection of the eye, making it red and swollen.
  • Dry eye: When their eyes don’t make enough tears.
  • Cataracts: This makes the lens of the eye cloudy and can lead to blindness.
  • Corneal disorders: Problems with the cornea, the clear front part of the eye.

Lifespan of Brown Maine Coon Cats:

Brown Maine Coon cats typically live for about 12 to 14 years. However, how long they actually live can depend on several factors:

  • Environment: Where and how they live is important. A safe, comfortable home can help them live longer.
  • Diet: What they eat matters a lot. Good, nutritious food can contribute to a longer life.
  • Care from the Owner: How the owner treats and cares for them is crucial. Love, attention, and proper care make a big difference.

Brown Maine Coon Price:

The price of Brown Maine Coon cats varies depending on several factors:

  • Location: The cost of these cats can differ from place to place. In countries where Maine coons are less popular, their prices tend to be lower. The demand in a particular region plays a big role in determining their price.
  • Color Pattern: The specific color pattern of a Brown Maine Coon can also affect its price. Some patterns might be more sought after, leading to higher prices.
  • Price in the United States: In the U.S., where these cats are very popular, the average price for a kitten of this breed ranges between $2,600 and $3,400. Their popularity in the U.S. is a major reason for this high price range.
  • Age and Breed Type: The prices can also vary based on whether the cat is an adult or a kitten, and whether it’s a purebred or mixed breed. 

Here’s a general price breakdown:

  • Adult Cat: $1,500 to $2,500
  • Kitten: $1,000 to $1,500
  • Mixed Breed: $500 to $1,000

Budget Considerations: For those who have a limited budget but wish to own a Brown Maine Coon, adopting from rescue centers or local shelters can be a more affordable option than buying from breeders. Cats from shelters may cost less, and this also provides a home for cats in need.

Different Patterns in Brown Maine Coon Cats:

Brown Maine Coon cats come in various beautiful patterns, each with its unique characteristics. Here are some of the patterns you might find in these majestic cats:

Brown Spotted Maine Coon:

  • Description: This pattern features small spots on various parts of the cat’s body, particularly on the face and legs.
  • Key Feature: Distinctive small spots.

Brown Patched Maine Coon:

  • Description: In this pattern, you’ll notice red patches scattered across the cat’s overall brown coat.
  • Key Feature: Red patches mixed with brown.

Brown Mackerel Maine Coon:

  • Description: This coat pattern is characterized by thin tabby stripes that run along the sides of the cat’s body.
  • Key Feature: Thin, striped tabby patterns on the sides.

Brown Ticked Maine Coon:

  • Description: In this pattern, there are no visible stripes on the main part of the coat. However, some striping may be present on the face and legs.
  • Key Feature: Subtle striping, mostly on the face and legs.

Brown Classic Maine Coon:

  • Description: This pattern showcases a tabby pattern with swirling patterns on the tail and sides, often resembling a bullseye.
  • Key Feature: Swirling tabby patterns create a ‘bullseye’ effect.

Explaining Brown Maine Coon Kittens:

Choosing a Brown Maine Coon kitten can be a delightful experience, especially if you prefer a more energetic and interactive pet experience compared to owning a mature cat. Kittens are playful and provide a unique opportunity to bond as you train and raise them from a young age.

Choosing Between Male and Female Kittens:

When you decide to get a Brown Maine Coon kitten, you can choose between a male or a female. Both genders make wonderful pets and are known for being gentle and easygoing. However, there are some differences in their personalities:

Male Brown Maine Coon Kittens:

  • More sociable: They tend to be friendlier and more outgoing.
  • Attention-seeking: Male kittens may seek more attention and interaction from their owners.

Female Brown Maine Coon Kittens:

  • While also sociable and friendly, they might be a bit more independent than males.
  • Less demanding for attention: They may not require as much constant interaction as their male counterparts.

The Personality of Brown Maine Coon Cats:

When choosing a pet, many people pay close attention to personality traits, and this is especially true for Brown Maine Coon cats. Their personality is a key reason for their popularity, and they typically exhibit traits like being laid-back, friendly, and sociable.

  • Cats with this trait are calm and easygoing.
  • They tend to be relaxed and may not react much to their surroundings.
  • Often, these more introverted cats are preferred by people who love a peaceful and low-maintenance pet.
  • Unlike the stereotype that cats are less affectionate than dogs, Brown Maine Coons break this mold by being exceptionally friendly.
  • They enjoy cuddling with kids and their owners, making them great family pets.
  • Their playful nature means they often love engaging in games and interactive activities.
  • Male Brown Maine Coons are typically more sociable than females.
  • They have an extroverted personality and seek interaction with people.
  • These cats are not shy and are often eager to greet and welcome new guests.

Grooming a Brown Maine Coon Cat in Detail:

Grooming Brown Maine Coon cats is more involved than short-haired cats due to their long fur. Here’s a detailed guide:

  • Importance: Regular brushing prevents dental diseases.
  • Tools: Use a slim toothbrush designed for cats.
  • Toothpaste: Choose enzymatic toothpaste, which is safe and effective for cats.
  • Frequency: 3 to 4 times a week.
  • Cats naturally clean themselves, but they still need baths.
  • When: Bathe them when they seem dirty or their coat loses its luster.
  • Shampoo: Use cat-specific shampoo. Avoid human products as they can be harmful.
  • Frequency: 1 to 2 times a month.
  • It is necessary to keep their long fur neat and prevent mats.
  • Tools: Use suitable combs and brushes for long-haired cats.
  • For mats: Use detangling sprays to help loosen tough knots.
  • Frequency: 4 to 5 times a month.
  • It is important for the cat’s health and to protect furniture and skin from scratches.
  • Tools: Use a proper nail clipper for cats.
  • Technique: Trim slowly to avoid cutting into the quick, which can cause bleeding.
  • Frequency: 2 to 3 times a month.
  • Use moist cotton balls or earbuds for gentle cleaning.
  • Helps prevent infections.
  • Frequency: Clean their eyes and ears every week.
  • Teeth brushing: 3-4 times a week.
  • Bathing: 1-2 times a month.
  • Fur brushing: 4-5 times a month.
  • Nail trimming: 2-3 times a month.
  • Ear/eye cleaning: Weekly.


Training is important for your cat’s mental and physical well-being, and it also helps strengthen your bond with them. Fortunately, Brown Maine Coons are intelligent and often find learning easier than some other breeds.

Positive Reinforcement:

This is the best way to train your cat.

  • Method: Reward your cat with a treat after they complete a training task.
  • Benefit: This encourages them and boosts their confidence to learn more.

Avoiding Negative Reinforcement:

  • Negative reinforcement involves removing something unpleasant to increase a behavior.
  • While this can be used in some contexts, it’s not recommended for training cats.
  • Focusing on positive reinforcement creates a more enjoyable learning experience.
  • Include fish, chicken, beef, and liver in their diet.
  • These foods provide essential nutrients and help in maintaining good health.
  • Adding spinach, which is rich in iron, and fruits like apples and cranberries, can provide additional nutrients.
  • Ensure these are safe for cats and given in moderation.
  • Wet food is also a good option for your cat.
  • Make sure to choose high-quality cat food that meets nutritional needs.

Balanced Diet:

A healthy diet is crucial for your cat’s health and well-being.

Cost Considerations:

  • Feeding a Brown Maine Coon might be more expensive than feeding other cats due to their size and dietary needs.
  • Investing in quality food can prevent health issues and is essential for their overall well-being.

Health Problems in Brown Maine Coon Cats:

Even though Brown Maine Coon cats are generally healthy, they can still be prone to certain health issues, often due to genetic factors. Responsible breeders typically conduct DNA tests to reduce the risk of these problems. Here are some of the common health issues that can affect Brown Maine Coons:

  • Description: A condition affecting the hip joints.
  • What Happens: The ball and socket of the hip joint don’t grow properly, leading to problems.
  • Impact: It can cause pain and affect the cat’s mobility.
  • Type of Problem: An oral health issue.
  • Cause: Often develops when gingivitis, a gum disease, spreads in the mouth.
  • Symptoms: Can result in significant discomfort and eating difficulties.
  • Type of Problem: An oral health issue.
  • Cause: Often develops when gingivitis, a gum disease, spreads in the mouth.
  • Symptoms: Can result in significant discomfort and eating difficulties.
  • Type of Disease: A kidney condition.
  • What Happens: Cats are born with small cysts on their kidneys.
  • Long-Term Effect: Can lead to kidney dysfunction over time.


  • Affectionate and Friendly: They are known for their gentle, loving nature, making them great companions.
  • Intelligent: Brown Maine Coons are smart, which makes them relatively easy to train.
  • Good with Families: They usually get along well with children and other pets, making them ideal for family environments.
  • Playful: They retain a playful demeanor well into adulthood.
  • Beautiful Appearance: Their stunning looks and unique coat patterns make them visually appealing pets.
  • Sociable: They enjoy human interaction, which can be rewarding for pet owners.


  • Grooming Needs: Their long fur requires regular grooming to avoid mats and tangles.
  • Size: Being one of the largest domestic cat breeds, they need more space and larger litter boxes, beds, etc.
  • Health Issues: Prone to certain genetic health issues like hip dysplasia and polycystic kidney disease.
  • Cost: The initial cost of purchasing a Brown Maine Coon, along with its upkeep (food, grooming supplies, vet visits), can be higher than average.
  • Attention Requirement: They may require more attention and interaction compared to more independent cat breeds.
  • Potential for Obesity: Their large size can lead to a tendency towards obesity if their diet is not carefully managed.


Brown Maine Coon cats usually have a lifespan of 12 to 14 years, though this can vary based on factors like health, diet, and environment.

Yes, they are known for their friendly and gentle nature, making them suitable for families with children and other pets.

They require regular grooming due to their long fur. This includes frequent brushing, occasional baths, and routine ear, eye, and dental care.

Yes, they can adapt to apartment living as long as they have enough space to move around and are provided with mental and physical stimulation.

Common health issues include hip dysplasia, spinal muscular atrophy, stomatitis, and polycystic kidney disease. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for early detection and management of these conditions.


Brown Maine Coon cats are a unique and enchanting breed known for their friendly and sociable nature, intelligence, and stunning appearance. While they make excellent companions, especially for families, prospective owners should be aware of their specific needs. This includes regular grooming due to their long fur, understanding their potential health issues, and ensuring they have enough space and stimulation, even in an apartment setting. Their lifespan, generally between 12 to 14 years, can be maximized with proper care and regular veterinary check-ups. 

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